Page 17 - WTB Group company
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Numbers that prove the solidity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Business model and partnerships

                     2.5 bi                                                                                  +7 mi                                                                                  4.4 bi                                                                                  10  years

                      Cumulative Gross Value of                                                              Urbanized squared meters                                                                In Land Bank                                                                           Audited by Grant Thornton International

                      Launched Developments

                     Zero                                                                                      Model                                                                                                                                                                          Trans-

                     Debts                                                                                     company                                                                              Synergy                                                                                 parency

                      The company has no debt with                                                              High capacity to reinvent itself                                                     Partnership and collaboration with                                                      A privately held company with practices

                      financial institutions, suppliers,                                                         and innovate in the face of                                                          major companies in various projects                                                      of publicly traded corporate governance.

                      clients, and other stakeholders.                                                          economic challenges.                                                                 within the industry.

                      (Goal achieved in 2022).
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