Page 19 - WTB Group company
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Partnerships to transform people's lives Business model and partnerships
Tegra Incorporadora, formerly Brookfield Incorporações, is a Brazilian real estate developer part of the
Brookfield Asset Management group. Here are some key points:
1978: Starts operations as Brascan Imobiliária in Rio de Janeiro.
2006: Brascan conducts its IPO.
2009: Brascan becomes Brookfield Incorporações after acquiring other companies.
2010 - 2016: Receives numerous awards for customer respect and quality of developments.
2017: Brookfield Incorporações changes its name to Tegra Incorporadora.
2018 - 2023: Continues to win awards and build new developments.
Tegra is well-known for its significant role in the Brazilian real estate market, making notable contributions to
the development of urban areas and the construction of high-quality residential and commercial properties.